Welcome to our curated selection of wellness and cannabis products at Ben's Canna, where each product is selected with care and intention. Our boutique approach means we spotlight products that stand out for their quality, efficacy, and the wellness benefits they offer. Explore our product types, each featuring top brands in the wellness industry, and find your perfect wellness companions.

  • Gummies: Enjoy the delightful flavors and wellness benefits with our selection of gummies from brands like Smoking Dog and CBD Living, crafted for enjoyment and health.

  • Vape Pens: Experience the purity and convenience of vape pens from Erth Wellness and Ben's Canna, designed for those who appreciate discretion and quality.

  • Tinctures: Discover the potency and versatility of tinctures by Arthridiol and Melting Forest, offering precise dosing for tailored wellness outcomes.

  • Softgels: Choose the simplicity and consistency of softgels from Road Trip Mushroom and CBD Living, for an uncomplicated addition to your wellness regimen.

  • Beverages: Hydrate and rejuvenate with our cannabis-infused beverages from brands like Erth Wellness, blending delicious flavors with wellness benefits.

  • Chocolate: Indulge in the luxurious taste of our chocolates from Ben's Canna and Melting Forest, where gourmet flavors meet the therapeutic benefits of cannabis.